How to change and break bad habits list permanently Just simple to change your bad habits list permanently
Introduction about bad habits list
Hey today I tell how to change and break bad habits list.I told simple ways to really change you habits
What is bad habits list
Helo Gus I am jamil We all have habits that we would like to
bad habits list eating too much at night. But why is it difficult to break free? You may think that your day is made up of deliberate decisions, but in reality, a University of Duke study found that 45% of your daily activities are actions that you repeat every day and that you often do in the same place. bad habits list
These are your habits. Habits are called one of the oldest structures in your brain, the Basal Ganglia.the same region that helps control processes such as breathing and swallowing
In the MIT expiriment,
the mouse sits behind the gate of a T-shaped maze where on the left is a piece of chocolate.
When the door slams the mouse checks the maze, smells and scratches at the walls. First he scans to the right and then to the left, finally finding chocolate. Scans of their basal ganglia show that they work aggressively in all processes.
However after a week of training, the mouse quickly runs towards the chocolate when the gate clicks. At this point, very little is done by the brain when the gate is pressed, and the brain does not burn again until it reaches chocolate.
bad habits list Our brain seems to reduce effort and space, and this kind of automatic brain behavior is called "connection." Extinguishing tools in creating a new pattern of habit in brain cells
Simple step to change your habits permanently
It's like a daily routine that you no longer need to think about, brush your teeth or support outside your entrance, skills that were once difficult to acquire, but now work automatically.
This process is a three-step loop
Step 1: indicator
that with the mouse click on the gate;
Step 2 is a normal process, run into a maze,
and Step 3 rewards, in this case, chocolate.
Awareness and reward eventually come together, creating anticipation and longing, another important part of habits.
Because we enter the default mode during the process, our brain completely ceases to participate in decision-making.
bad habits list Our habits will appear automatically whenever there is a reference.
these practices can become so entrenched that the reward does not even have to be fair. A study of people who ate popcorn in movies found that they were less affected by hunger or their appetite, and they ate popcorn in the cinema regardless of whether they were old or new.
Our practices often go beyond what we know is right for example, the all study, "Take 5" campaign that encourages citizens to take.
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