I show you how to make money perword you type which is a new strategy to earn money online this year 2021.
How to do it? We’re about to find out. This is how to make money per word you type! Also, only a small percentage of people So if you end up getting value out of consider, it’s free and you can always changeyour mind later
. In that way, I will notify you whenever Ihave a new and fresh strategy to make money online, so you can be one of the first touse it.
Thus, of course make the most money. Enjoy it. So you can just type in one word in this box,click save, and then click Make and you will be paid $25. The best part is you can do it over and overagain and make money every single day from anywhere in the world.
But you must set this up properly and I willexplain you exactly how to do it in this video. Signing up to this website is absolutely free. You don't need to invest any money upfrontand you don't need any super writing skills. I mean, you can just copy and paste that oneword if you don't want to type it yourself. So before I show you exactly how this works,make sure to drop a like to this video if you love making money online. inthis one, so scroll down below and tap the like button until it turns blue.
And don't forget, I have a special bonus foryou at the end of this video, which is an exclusive tip that can help you earn 5 timesmore than anyone else, so make sure to stick around and keep all the way untilthe end.
Now let us get started. So this is the main platform which we willbe using, this is the website where we create a simple video with one single word. So you just type in one word and this websitewill create professional high quality videos for you. And in return, you can actually get paid $25to $30 per video you create. So as you can see here, the easiest way tomake awesome and don't worry, you don’t need to be a professional editor to do this,you don’t need any editing skills for this, you don’t need a camera,
you will not haveto film anything and you will not have to show your face. All you have to do is just type in one singleword. And I will show you exactly how to do it andhow to get paid. So as you can see here, choose your favoritevideo template, fully customize it online and watch them generate your video instantly. So you don't have to wait around which meansyou can start making money today! It can't get any easier than this. Clearly, it is just with a single word andyou can repeat it all over again.
This website, this tool is called Motionden.com,but don't go straight on this website because you will not know how to use it properly toactually make money just by typing one single word. So instead, follow each and every step fromthis video, and by the end you will know exactly what to do and exactly how to make money online. So first of all, once you come over to Motionden.com,I want you to click on this button right here, Get Started, so you can sign up. You can do so by either connecting your Facebookor Google account, which is a lot easier and faster because it requires just one clickof a button. But if you don't want to do so, you can justsign up with your email address and manually enter your details. After that you can easily sign up in lessthan a minute. Once you sign up and login to Motionden
.com,you can then browse all of these different templates which you can use to create professionallooking videos in less than a minute just by entering one single word. So as you can see here on the left hand side,you can generate all of these types of videos in all the different categories. You can create ads, animated videos, you canalso create videos for businesses, corporate videos, ecommerce videos, educational videos,Facebook videos, gaming videos, Instagram videos, YouTube videos as well, intros, outros,and so on and so forth. And you have all these different sorts oftemplates that are very professional which you can browse and use and which I will explainyou exactly .
how as part of the bonus tip that I’ve promised,there are two specific categories which we will be focusing on, that’s going to allowyou to make $25 to $30 per word you type. So what I want you to do is focus on eitherintros or outros. Forget about all these different categories. I want you to focus only on intros and outrosbecause these are the easiest ones. And these are the categories that will allowyou to make $25 or more for a single word. So let's select Intro. And that's going to give you some of thesetemplates which you can use. Let’s scroll a little bit and find somethingreally interesting. For example, I will use this one just to showyou how this actually works. So I will click on it. And to customize it, I just need to clickon Edit this video. So now once I’ve come over to this page,all I have to do is click on this box so I can type in that one word. And I will show you what's going to determinewhat the word is going to be. But let's say the word in this case is TheProdigy, I can just type in The Prodigy, and click save, and then click make video andthat's it. Now they will instantly generate that videofor me. And I'm going to show you how you can sellthese types of videos for $25 to $30 again and again. And I'm also going to show you proof thatit actually works because people are already making money every single day with this samestrategy. So if we continue to dashboard, you will beable to see that my video is now rendering, I just need to wait for like one minute andthey will have it created for me. As you saw, that took only one single wordto type in the box.
And now I have a fully custom made high qualityintro from which I can make money. So let's review the process, first, you goover to Motionden.com, and go either to intros or outros, and then you find some templatewhich you really like. After that, you just select it, and clickon edit this video and that will take you to the editing page where you can type inthat one single word. After that just click Save, and then clickmake video. And that's it. That's all you have to do. And now you can make money from these platformswhich I'm about to share with you. So first of all, you can start with Quickengigs.com. This is a freelancing website where millionsof people come to sell their services every single day. So you have people like you and me providingdifferent services for other entrepreneurs and business owners, you can see that they'vepartnered up with some major companies like PayPal, Microsoft, Google, Discord, Facebookand Unity. And this is only one of many different freelancingwebsites which we can use. Now if you search for intros and outros onthis website, you will see that there are not so many people providing these types ofservices which are advantageous to our part and the ones that are providing these servicesare already making money. As you can see, this guy is charging $25 fora custom made intro and he already got 20 sales. On the other hand, this guy is charging $30and he got over 50 sales. And for you, that's going to take just onesingle word to type in with the help of Motionden.com and you can sell it quick in this platform. For example, this guy is selling his servicefor $20 and this one is selling it for $40, this one for $28, and so on and so forth. And once again, this is only one single platformwhere you can provide this service and sell intros and outros. You can also use websites like Peopleperhour.com. In here, if you type in intro, you will beable to see more people providing this service, 191 to be precise. And they're all making sales. They're all making hundreds if not thousandsof sales. For example, this guy got over 800 feedbacks,which means they've got over 800 sales for this service which is making intros. Nevertheless, you can even use Fiverr if youwant to maximize your results. Now as I’ve promised you, here’s the bonustip. I want you to focus more on the first twofreelancing websites I’ve mentioned other than Fiverr because those two are not thatcompetitive compared to Fiverr. On Fiverr, there are hundreds of thousandsof people providing one and the same service. While in these websites, there are not thatmany people providing those services and the demand is pretty high. There are a lot of buyers, but there are notmany sellers, which mean it's perfect for a complete beginner, it means you can instantlyjoin this website and potentially get loads of sales without being an established seller. But you can also join Fiverr.
I mean, it costs you nothing to publish agig on Fiverr. And if you get some sales, great and if not,it's okay. You can still use the other freelancing websites. So Fiverr does have a massive potential, youcan see that people are selling those type of services for more money ranging from $35to $60 and they're getting hundreds, in some cases thousands of sales. So it does have a massive potential, but thecompetition is really high on Fiverr. So I definitely recommend you try all thedifferent freelancing websites, don't focus only on one and once you get a sale, it takesyou only one word to type in this box.
So the buyer will give you the word whichthey want you to put inside this box, you just then click save, and click make videoand then you click on Continue to dashboard. You just wait a little bit while it’s renderingand as you can see, you will be able to download it to your computer. Now to download it without this watermarkyou would need to pay around $9. So it's $9 per video but if you sell it for$35 or $40, then you are still in high profits and the best part is you don't have to investany money upfront. You can wait until you get a sale on thosefreelancing websites and then use that money to pay $9 to Motionden.com. So for $9 you get a very professional custommade video, it just takes less than a minute to make over $25 and you can do it over andover again. Motionden
.com will do all of the hard workfor you. All you have to do is just type one singleword. That is exactly how to make money per wordyou type this year 2021. So there we go. And now if you want to earn even more money,check the first link at the description down below to discover how to earn free Bitcoinusing the best Bitcoin mining app for beginners this year 2021, which anyone, even withoutprevious experience can do.thankyou
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